Virgin Mobile will start throttling data speeds in March

Virgin Mobile would throttle the speeds of its heaviest data users. It will begin this practice on March 23rd, with users who exceed 2.5GB per month getting their speeds throttled. To be clear, this applies to Virgin smartphone customers using Beyond Talk plans. Throttled speeds are 256Kbps, which is something of a relic for old dial-up users. If a user gets throttled, he has to either way for the beginning of the next billing cycle, or otherwise pay for a new monthly plan immediately. Neither seems like an attractive option, but those are the breaks. Via Android Central.]]>

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  1. Clocks on January 19, 2012 at 9:53 pm

    2.5gb is still a decent amount for the cost of their plans.

  2. Adam San on July 2, 2012 at 9:22 am

    According to what I have read, Virgin does rollover minutes for the Beyond Talk plans. Does anyone know if they do a similar thing for this data limit? (i.e., if you only use 2.1GB, then does .4GB transfer over to the next month?)