Virgin Mobile Coverage Map

Unfortunately, the lesser known carriers are lesser known for a reason. They have a tendency to not have the best coverage maps. When it comes to Virgin Mobile, the coverage map probably isn’t quite as good as you’re hoping. West Coast Starting with the West Coast, metropolitan areas are the best to be. The tend to have the best voice coverage, but they also have the best coverage when it comes to 4G LTE. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, Portland, Salem, and Seattle has the best coverage when it comes to voice and 4G LTE. As far as voice coverage is concerned, it is very likely that you are going to get a signal in most places in between. However, 4G LTE is mostly going to only be available in those specific metropolitan areas. Central US Even the big carriers tend to ignore the central United States as far as coverage goes. In cities such as Billings or Oklahoma, you’re very likely to get decent 4G LTE coverage. Again, major cities are likely to have better voice coverage than smaller cities. As far as the center of the United States goes, Virgin Mobile probably isn’t going to be a very viable option. Southern States However, Virgin Mobile shows increased effectiveness in some Southern states. Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida have excellent voice coverage all around. 4G LTE is also slightly present in cities like Tuscon, Austin, Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, Tampa Bay, Miami, Orlando, and Tallahassee. Midwest Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Missouri are some Midwestern states that get decent coverage as well. Voice coverage is plentiful in these areas and 4G LTE is limited to the big cities. East Coast Virgin Mobile definitely has the best performance on the East Coast. Everything is relatively close together. The cities aren’t as far apart as they can be on the West Coast or the South. All in all, Virgin Mobile may be a viable option. If you live in a big city, you are very likely to have decent coverage. However, if you live in a small city, your coverage is very likely to suffer. If you don’t use 4G LTE, you’re going to be fine in most places. If you’re the kind of person that needs 4G LTE capabilities, you may want to look elsewhere. ]]>

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