See? We're not the only ones amped up over the spectrum auction

obsessing over the 700 MHz spectrum auction. We know we’re exaggerating this feeling, but it’s almost like the spectrum is some kind of primordial ooze, and we have to keep it out of the wrong hands. Except instead of acting, we write. And write, and write, and write. We’ve reached a milestone today, as the FCC will officially bring the auction terms to a vote. There will surely be a post about the results tomorrow, but for now, lets turn to BusinessWeek, one of our favorite publications, for their take on the matter.

The outcome will determine whether the U.S. creates a competitive market that spurs innovation, bridges the digital divide, and catches us up with the rest of the world in broadband access, or continues with business as usual—handing sweetheart deals to politically connected mega-corporations.
They’ve got some smart chaps working over at BusinessWeek. They understand that it’s counterproductive to constantly hand these large corporations whatever they seek. So, as a result, things get done on their agenda. Most of the time, their agenda doesn’t match up with yours or ours. Something they brought to our attention that we probably should have figured out earlier: the open access provision may not be all its cracked up to be. “In fact, Martin could fatally undermine true openness if he embraces an any-device concept while ignoring other essential provisions, such as ensuring open access to networks and imposing build-out requirements on winning bidders.” Essentially, if you have one without the other, it’s like Robin without Batman. And really, who liked Robin anyway? [BusinessWeek]]]>

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